Paul and Christie Johnson serve as missionaries on the Iowa State University campus with the Rock.
We feel that Matthew 28 and 2 Corinthians 5 (among other Biblical passages) are a mandate to live our lives for Christ in reaching out to the people around us. This coupled with a passion for college age people and our own experience in college had called us to serve God in this way.
I (Paul) work full time through the support of Great Commission Ministries and many individuals and churches supporting GCM on my behalf. I focus my time discipling through sharing the gospel, pastoring Stonebrook Church, raising up laborers and leaders in the harvest and casting a vision for lifelong grace-filled service to our King.
We have a wonderful gift of God in our son Theodore and are expecting another in late 2012.
Our Ministry goes more into detail about what I do.
Our Story gives a little more background about where we’ve come from.