Paul and Christie Johnson serve as missionaries on the Iowa State University campus with the Rock.
We feel that Matthew 28 and 2 Corinthians 5 (among other Biblical passages) are a mandate to live our lives for Christ in reaching out to the people around us. This coupled with a passion for college age people and our own experience in college had called us to serve God in this way.
I (Paul) work full time through the support of Great Commission Ministries and many individuals and churches supporting GCM on my behalf. I focus my time discipling through sharing the gospel, pastoring Stonebrook Church, raising up laborers and leaders in the harvest and casting a vision for lifelong grace-filled service to our King.
We have a wonderful gift of God in our two sons Theodore (born June 2010) and Elliott (born December 2012).
The colleges and universities here in the U.S. need missionaries. Most people wouldn’t think of a campus as being the first place to send a missionary but in reality the need is tremendous. We have the leaders of tomorrow from all over the world come to Iowa for an education and these students are hurting. The 28,000 youth on the ISU campus turn to alcohol, drugs and sex because they simply do not know that Christ is the only one that can fulfill their deepest desires.
Our student group (called the Rock) needs full time help to adequately minister to the wounded youth that are already a part of our group. As an Iowa State graduate and an active student leader within the Rock during my time in school God has given me a passion for student’s lives and experience on this campus. I have had the privilege of working full time with the Rock now for over three years and have recently been asked to be a pastor with our church Stonebrook. (More about them later)
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? Romans 10:14-15
Who is GCM?
I work through a missions organization called Great Commission Ministries that enables me to work full time with students. Check their website for more information.
Are you with a church?
The Rock is designed to work in context of a larger community of Christ followers here in Ames called Stonebrook Community Church. Check their website for more information.
As I said earlier I am a pastor with Stonebrook, but my main minsitry is within the focus of the Rock at Iowa State.
What am I be doing?
I have been a jack-of-all-trades in the ministry here in Ames. I have led accountability groups and bible studies for men, larger groups doing outreach projects and service in the church and community, and worked with coaching small groups of leaders. I work with overseeing the ministries we have going and keeping track of all the details of our day to day operations. I also work to envision, produce and coordinate our weekly outreach worship service. We are meeting in our near campus community center, music and arts building Zeke’s.
I cannot talk about my present situation without mentioning my beautiful supportive wife. She finished a degree in Music Education from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire in 2004. She also is active in the student ministry coaching women leaders and mentoring. She also is a full time mom to our children.
The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.Matthew 9:37
What can you do?
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